Sunday, May 08, 2005

Knowledge Drudgery

Several weeks ago I worked on an extremely large event as one of 27 knowledge workers. It was the first time in several years that I played a role other than front-of-room facilitation and I found that I had forgotten many of the processes we use to facilitate our events.

As hard it was being a newbie all over again, the most difficult aspect of working this event was staying so focused at task level that I was unable to experience the participant’s journey and I was largely blind to any challenges they faced other than validating use cases and filling in templates.

Now surely the blame for not emerging from Task mode lies with me, and without a doubt I underperformed as a consequence. But to the extent that any knowledge worker can feel excluded from the arc and the narrative of the event is a sign that something more fundamental is wrong with our work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dan, I feel the larger the Krew, the more likely each Knowledgeworker will be given a thinner, deeper slice of the tasks to complete. This tends to isolate the KW to the broader view of the event.
Is this a bad thing? It can limit the ability of the KW to generate synergy and/or respond to the event. This why cluster leads can help, in conjunction with the Process Facilitator. Never the less, it is a challenge for the individual KW to rise above the complexity of large event tasks and see the event itself in progress.